For Spiritual Directors

Spiritual Direction is a gift, both for those who offer it as well as those who receive it. To be present for directees, Spiritual Directors need support. As in all soul care ministries, Directors need to pay attention to their own soul and receive support and encouragement for their ministry.

To that end, the SFSWA offers the following encouragement and support:

  • Referral to trained Supervisors
  • Peer supervision groups
  • Regular Soul Care Days for Leaders (day retreats intended to help leader rest and reflect as a vital part of ministry)
  • Regular training and continuing education opportunities.

For Pastors

Most in pastoral ministry do not take care of their own souls. The tyranny of the urgent and the non-stop demands of church life can leave the well-intentioned dry and empty. As writer and formation leader Steve Macchia frequently says, “The soul is the most neglected part of the leader’s life.” We want to help leaders reverse that trend.

As the soul of the leader goes, so goes the souls of those being led. So, we offer the following for pastors:

  • Access to spiritual directors who can help them paying attention to the movement of God in their lives
  • Regular Soul Care Days for Leaders (day retreats intended to help leader rest and reflect as a vital part of ministry)
  • Pastor’s Formation Groups (monthly small group gatherings for prayer and sharing)
  • Working with pastoral staff teams

For Counselors

Counselors listen and tend to the souls of clients, and need to care for their own souls as well.

We offer the following opportunities for counselors:

  • Access to spiritual directors who can help them paying attention to the movement of God in their lives
  • Regular Soul Care Days for Leaders (day retreats intended to help leader rest and reflect as a vital part of counseling ministry)
  • Periodic seminars that address issues in counseling from a Christian Spiritual Formation viewpoint.


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*Purchasing an annual membership in the society does several things: it helps in securing locations and materials for Collectives and other gatherings for which there is no charge; it builds our networking through web presence/emails/etc; it provides for administrative costs; it ensures that we are able to develop annual resources and large events; it aids in keeping events as inexpensive as possible. Click on the Membership link above for more information.