Meet our Ministry Team & Board of Directors

Christopher Wright – SFSWA Board President & Co-Chair Spiritual Formation Committee

I have the privilege to serve as the current President for the Board of Directors of the Spiritual Formation Society of Washington, and Co-Chair of the Spiritual Formation Sub-Committee. Spokane has been my home since 2007, moving here as a part of Moody Radio Spokane. After spending 25 years in Broadcast Ministry, my ministry now takes on a different, though no less fulfilling role, as a partner with Integrated Financial Services. My relationship with Genesis, now the Spiritual Formation Society of Washington, goes back to 2007, as a vocal advocate for the ministry through my role with Moody Radio Northwest, then an Alumni of various Genesis offerings from Courageous Parenting, to the Moody Bible Institute accredited course Core Concepts in Biblical Counseling, to the Men’s Groups through Genesis. I earned my Bachelor’s in Broadcasting at the Moody Bible Institute, hold professional designations through the College for Financial Planning, and currently a part of a Spiritual Formation Cohort led through Paseo Ministries. I began serving on the Genesis Board in 2022, and look forward to the continuing story the Father, Son and Holy Spirit will write, through the new Spiritual Formation Society of Washington.

Terry Andres – SFSWA Board Member & Spiritual Formation Committee

Terry Andres is currently a member of the Board of Directors for SFSWA.  He is married, has two grown daughters and five grandchildren.  Terry had a 28-year career as a Clinical Kinesiologist providing physical restoration services to injured workers.  He also developed a soul restoration ministry serving as Spiritual Formation Director for 10 years at a local Christian church and leading Spiritual Formation workshops for 12 years at Genesis Institute.  Terry is a Spiritual Director and currently co-leads a Spiritual Formation Cohort in collaboration with Paseo Communities.  Terry has been deeply impacted by his sacred romance with the Trinity and believes ‘Never Give a Sword to a Man Who Cannot Dance.’

Robert “Bob” Bishop – SFSWA Board Treasurer & Co-Chair Spiritual Formation Committee

Bob and his wife, Meg, have been residents of Spokane since 1980. They raised their family of four in Spokane. They have 9 grandchildren, and 1 great-grandchild “Brooks” expected to arrive in October 17,2024. Bob retired in 2020 after a 51-year career as a wealth management advisor with Northwestern Mutual. Bob was a Board member of Innovia Foundation from 2013 – 2020, serving as Board President for three of those years. Bob has been active with Genesis Institute, now the Spiritual Formation Society of Washington (SFSWA), since its founding in 1994. He was a co-founder, Board member, Board president, grant writer and long-term supporter. He was actively involved in Genesis’ transition into SFSWA in 2024. Bob and Meg are currently “covenant partners” at The Table Fellowship, a new ECO Presbyterian (Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians) fellowship in north Spokane. Bob loves to read. History and spiritual formation are two of his favorite topics. He also loves golf and traveling with Meg as well as spending time with children and grandchildren.

Shirley Bland – Spiritual Formation Committee member

I was born and raised in Spokane.  At the age of 20 I attended Bible College in Eugene, OR which launched me into journeying across America and the world.  I returned ‘home’ in 2018 from my odyssey having gleaned many invaluable lessons from life’s experiences and, most importantly, from the source of Wisdom itself, God’s Word.

My life pursuit has been to “Know” God.  Borrowing from Paul’s words in Philippians, to progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with God and with the Wonders of His Person, and, that I may actually be found and known as ‘in Him’.  Nothing has complimented and facilitated my pursuit, even remotely comparable, to the array of Contemplative Spiritual Practices I’ve learned and have practiced for 25 years. My passion as a Spiritual Companion is to facilitate others in an awakening to the indwelling and empowering living Presence of Christ within.

I have served in missions in Africa, England and America for 40 years.  Currently I am honored to serve on the Collaboration Team of SFSWA; additionally I am ordained as a Community Chaplain.

Linda Depew – SFSWA Board Member

I was raised on a Farm in Eastern Montana and went to College at Montana State University where I studied Special Education and Child Development. After moving to Spokane, I continued to work on my Theology Degree from Spokane Ministry Institute and Moody Bible Institute.

I’ve always had a Passion for People and to Encourage them to see how much God Loves Them!

I have worked at Houk Chiropractic for over 31 years and have had many opportunities to Pray with People!  What a Blessing! I was involved with Genesis Institute for over 20 years, serving as a Board Member, Teaching Classes, Director of Development and CEO. Now as the Spiritual Formation Society of WA, which I am  presently serving on the board, I am excited to see God at work in the Ministry and helping people Walk deeper in their relationship with the Lord!

Craig Flinn – SFSWA Board of Directors

Craig lives in north Spokane befriending people along the way. He has worked as a server, youth director, carpenter, church planter and pastor. His desire is for everyone he meets to become more aware of God’s immense love. He provides spiritual direction, spiritual companion groups and a periodic retreat for people to experience God in community. He holds a Master of Arts in Theology, a Certificate of Spiritual Formation and is training to be a certified Spiritual Director by Soul Formation, Portland, OR. You can find him today talking with a neighbor or gathering a few friends for delicious food to share stories.

Lesley Maxfield – SFSWA Board Secretary & Spiritual Formation Committee member

Lesley Maxfield celebrates each day as a child of God, retired teacher and math facilitator, wife, mother of three sons and grandmother of four. She serves on the SFSWA Board as secretary and as a Spiritual Formation Collaboration Team member. Her determined purpose is to know and love the Trinity in union with others.

Krisi Sonneland – SFSWA Spiritual Formation Committee

Hi, I’m Krisi Sonneland. I’m passionate about helping people discover and live into their truest identity as a beloved child of God. I believe God is present and active in all stages of life, in good times, the mundane and in life’s toughest challenges. As a spiritual director, I see my role as a companion, coming alongside those seeking a deeper awareness of God’s loving presence in daily life.

I grew up in the Catholic Church and have worshipped in both mainline and non-denominational Protestant churches in my adult life. I was trained as a director at Gonzaga University and appreciate contemplative and Ignatian practices for being with Jesus. I also have training in inner healing prayer. I am a wife to Andy, and mom to five grown children. We have been in Christian camping ministry at Camp Spalding for 34 years, where I serve our summer staff of 40 college students as staff chaplain. I also work part-time at Whitworth University in Campus Ministry. I am a member of the SFSWA Spiritual Formation Committee. I love experiencing God’s presence in nature, being active outside, cooking good food, and being with friends and family. 

Dr. Ted Wueste,  Director of the SFSAZ – SFSWA Spiritual Formation Committee

Ted serves as the Founder/Director of the Spiritual Formation Society of Arizona. For the last 30 years, he has served in various ministry capacities with 20 of those years serving in pastoral ministry. After serving as an associate pastor, Ted planted a church that he pastored for 9 years and then served as an Executive Pastor of Spiritual Formation for 6 years. Ted designed and taught in a Spiritual Formation program at Phoenix Seminary for seven years, and now enjoys a ministry of spiritual direction, retreat leading, and teaching. Ted is the coordinator for a spiritual direction training program in Arizona (Selah) and serves as Senior Faculty. He has written several books on the spiritual journey as well as devotionals and study guides that many have found helpful. You can reach Ted at [email protected] and learn more about his spiritual formation ministry at